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Souvenirs from the suitcase
17 November 2014
„Fate scattered them around the world, as the wind blows the leaves around.Sometimes you can hear „Marsz lwowskich dzieci”, the memories will appear blisfuly. Crumbs of memories, moments of thoughts, the unforgettable time.
Things that always remain in the heart – a fragment of life hidden in the suitcase.”
I. Białas
The poem wirtten by Izabela Białas and the suitcase full of souvenirs from Lviv were the driving ideas in the fifth „Lviv meeting” held in Primary School in Szczeglino. The souvenirs: a boyscout’s cross, an old newspaper, an invitation to a party and flowers referred to partiotic poems and ballads presented by the pupils. This year’s meeting focused on the youngest defenders of Lviv – The Eaglets. In his presentation, Col. Wojciech Grobelski from the Koszalin’s Society of Friends of Lviv and South-Eastern Reaches described some of the famous characters, such as Antoś Petrykiewicz or Jurek Bichtan. The pupils listened about the limitless sacrifice of those defending Lviv. They could also admire an impressive collection of medals and military distinctions which tapped into their imagination.
Colourful uniforms on the children, decorations and refreshments were financed by Sianów Municipality. A member of TMLiP-W, Mr Jan Adamczyk funded our School a huge banner with the logo of Lviv as thanks for the annual organisation of „Lviv meeting”.
You are welcome to watch the following films:
„Akrobata Mucha” ballad: http://youtu.be/KG_XNMDegLs
Polka – dance: http://youtu.be/Pp8Y-Q4IQOA