11 November 2014
White-Reds get ready
Independence Day celebrations in Szczeglino gathered not only the locals but also those from the surrounding towns.
The pupils entertained all the guests with a performance followed by the Independence Run. (more…)

8 November 2014
Magnolias’ Chapter 2014
On 27th October, 2014, Ewa Fudala – the Vice-President of „Refugium” Association” visited the “Pleciuga” Puppet Theatre in Szczecin, (more…)

15 September 2014
Renovations at school
There were some renovations made at school in Szczeglino during summer holidays. (more…)

26 May 2014
Sober Father, sober mother means happy children
Such catchword was written on one of our pupils’ posters made during the workshops in our School in Szczeglino (more…)